Cloth Nappies


We, here at Bronwyn’s Baby, have a wealth of experience using reusable nappies, potty training and elimination communication. We can offer 1:1 or group sessions to demonstrate, teach and discuss all things cloth nappies and infant toileting. Please get in touch below if you would like to book a session with us.

We offer reusable nappy kits containing a variety of nappies and accessories for a fortnightly hire of £20, including a free 1:1 consultation prior to hire. These kits contain a range of different nappies to help you choose the right reusable nappies for your family.

During a cloth nappy consultation we cover the following topics:

  • Wash routine
  • Fit of nappies
  • Different types and styles of nappies
  • Use of nappy creams
  • Troubleshooting

Click here to book your consultation and hire now.

If price is a barrier please do get in touch as we have a ‘pay it forward’ fund available.